Advanced Computational Design - PostDoc position

The Rendering and Modeling group at TU Wien is looking for candidates interested in its interdisciplinary project "Advanced Computational Design", on the topic of "Lighting Simulation For Architectural Design".

This interdisciplinary Special Research Programme aims to develop advanced computational design tools for the early design phase in Architecture, Engineering and Construction in eight scientific subprojects spanning computer science (computer graphics), architecture, civil engineering and mathematics.

For this project we are looking for candidates interested in computer graphics and light simulation, in particular (differentiable) physics-based rendering, numerical optimization, or machine learning for lighting design applications.

For a full description please refer to


Personal information
Do you currently have permission to work in Austria
PhD Degree

Please check the ranking for your Bachelor university in the QS World University Rankings (area Computer Science), at the following link:, and provide the result here

In the field GPA please indicate your Grade Point Average. As the grading system might vary a lot from country to country, please also indicate the best and the worst possible grade in the fields below.

Research Area
You are free to choose up to 5 keywords or topics here that best describe your interests
Your preferred subproject (SP)
SP4: Lighting Simulation for Architectural Design
Please select the subproject you are applying for. If you are also interested in other subprojects, please note so in the "Research areas" field.
Only peer-reviewed publications! Please give the number of your peer-reviewed publications (journals or published conference proceedings) here; then in a separate document upload the list of complete references.
If available, please indicate the names of email addresses of up to 3 referees whom we could contact for a recommendation.
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Submit a scan of your degree certificates (Bachelor degree and higher) of a post-secondary education institution including course transcript. The submitted documents should be issued by the Universities in English language. Information about the grading system must be included. Note that applicants are expected to have obtained a master's degree with distinction. Students who will not be able to submit their degree certificate by the application deadline have to provide a statement by their thesis supervisor declaring that the student will complete his/her degree during summer 2019. Important: The master degree certificate or an equivalent official document from your university is a precondition for being employed and admitted!

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Submit a scan of your passport here
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Please submit your list of publications, ordered by national and international publications. Please state only your reviewed publications. Use a format as it is usual for citations in the “References” section of publications.

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